Monday, November 11, 2013

Friends to Friends

Last week we had a Friend 2 Friend presentation and we learned some new ways to be a good friend to everyone.

First, we watched a video where we learned that there are some children who find certain kinds of communication easier than others.  For example, they may need fewer words and to have time to think about their responses to questions.  We learned that everyone has affinities (things we are good at and enjoy doing).
We also found out about some new ways to communicate that may be helpful for some of our friends.

Then we used some very cool puppets to practice these 7 Friendship tips:

1. Get your friend's attention
2. Use short sentences
3. Use gestures or visuals
4. Wait for your friend to think about their answers
5. Watch your friend to learn their affinities
6. Give your friend choices
7. Use friendly words

Do you  practice any of these tips when you talk to your friends?

1 comment:

  1. Those are great Friendship tips. I think they would be helpful to remember at home, too, with brothers and sisters! Lisa
