Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Are you mindful?

Do you know what mindfulness is?  In our class, we have been learning and practicing mindfulness for a few months now.  We have learned: to breathe, to calm our bodies and minds, to relax and clear our thoughts, to use our senses mindfully and to use a mindful approach in our daily activities and communication with others.

When we are mindful, we are better able to connect with the world around us and to connect to others in positive ways.

We practice calming and breathing once or twice a day.  This helps us to focus on the important tasks during class time.

One of the ways we practiced looking at things mindfully, was to observe carefully and then use words to describe in detail what we saw.

Mrs. Rene helped us use our sense of vision by watching what happens when food color is dropped into a large container of water.  We observed: shapes, movement, colors and combinations of colors.  We used words like: swirling, fish, dropping, circles, ovals, floating, clouds, slowly, mixing, blue, green, and teardrop to describe what we saw.  It was really amazing what you can see if you are mindful!!

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